Ss Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School recognises the importance of parental engagement in children's learning, development and well-being, and that children generally do better when there are connections between the different spaces they learn in.
Parental engagement in children's learning is:
Parental engagement is most effective when it is focused on developing positive attitudes towards learning and education for children, building their motivation and confidence as learners and fostering their enjoyment of learning.
Parental engagement refers to the broader role parents play in supporting their child's learning. Parental engagement recognises the important role that both parents and teachers play in children's learning and development. Although involvement in school activities is beneficial in many ways, especially in facilitating relationships between parents and teachers, how parents support children's learning at home has a bigger impact on academic outcomes than participation in school-based activities.
Parents and families are children's first teachers and they continue to help their children to learn and thrive throughout the school years. Parents as partners with school in supporting children's faith and learning can have a significant and long lasting positive impact.
Research shows benefits of parental engagement include:
Find more information and resources on parent engagement here
Research shows that the most effective strategies for family-led learning include:
At Ss Peter and Paul’s, teachers are experts in learning and provide families with strategies that can help children best achieve. The partnership between the schools and parents are critical in supporting parental engagement in education. Keeping open and clear communication between families and schools is also integral in developing effective family-school partnerships.
View our CEDoW Parent-School Partnership Framework
Our Parents & Friends Association works collaboratively with the principal and the leadership team at Ss Peter and Paul, to ensure the children benefit from the fundraising and sense of community fostered through the partnership of school and community. Read more about our P&F Association.
Parents are also encouraged to volunteer as helpers on school trips, lunch-time or after-school enrichment activities, school banking program, managing and coaching sport teams, in curriculum support (literacy and numeracy support for example, or just to be another pair of willing hands at the school disco).
We're thrilled to have you consider volunteering at our school! Volunteering is a fantastic way to get involved in your child's education and make a positive impact on our school community. Follow the steps below to become a volunteer:
Step 1: Complete the onboarding process
To start, please access our onboarding site.
You'll need to fill out a form with your details. Once you've completed the form, you'll receive an email confirmation.
Step 2: Approval confirmation
After submitting your form, we'll review your application. You'll then receive an email letting you know if your application has been approved. If approved, you'll receive a special token.
Step 3: Download the Quick Sign-In app
To make the sign-in process more convenient, we recommend downloading our Quick Sign-In app. The app is available for any device and allows you to save your details and token, making it easier to sign in when you arrive at the school.
Download the Quick Sign-In app
Step 4: Sign in at the school
When you arrive at the school, use the Quick Sign-In app to sign in. Simply scan your QR code, and you're all set! If you don't have the app, you can still sign in manually at the front office.
Parents are connected within the digital environment through:
These sessions enable parents to learn new skills in an active and engaging way that are not necessarily curriculum-based alongside their child in an informal way. For example, phonological awareness, innovation, learning a musical instrument, religious education story-telling. These sessions will occur at a variety of times and will involve students and parents collaborating together within learning experiences.
Open classroom enable parents to celebrate their child’s learning, and are held each term to celebrate the learning occurring in classrooms at Ss Peter and Paul.
We warmly invite parents to weekly assemblies that celebrates learner engagement and success, as well as significant Catholic, national and cultural events and occasions.
We also aim to engage parents and members of the community in anything that involves collaborative activity – including gardening sessions, Boys in Blue promoting, etc. We believe that more important than the nature of the activity is the engagement that is so life-giving to our students.
Parents of future Kindergarten students engage in building relationships with school staff and each other, as well as enabling socialisation of our future students, when they attend a series of five fun-filled Playgroup Sessions in Terms 3 and 4.
Pre-schools are also invited to attend special celebration days and assemblies at Ss Peter and Paul – including National Science Week.