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Ss Peter and Paul Kiama is a Catholic parish primary school in the Catholic Education Diocese of Wollongong system of schools.

Ss Peter and Paul is situated right on the beach in Kiama – a beautiful coastal town full of character and history, surrounded by sand and sea on one side and rolling green hills on the other. It is a 30 minute drive north to Wollongong, 90 minutes to the city of Sydney and 45 minutes south to Nowra.

Address: 96-98 Manning Street, Kiama NSW 2533
Phone: (02) 4232 2442
Mail: PO Box 248, Kiama NSW 2533

Our school office hours are between 8:30am and 3:30pm (Mon-Wed, Fri) and 9:00am and 3:30pm (Thurs).

Principal Peter Michael
Assistant Principal Lindsay Burns
Religious Education Coordinator Emma Groves
Senior School Support Officer Liz Brown


Please scroll down to see all of our staff.
If you would like to contact an individual staff member or communicate with the school office, please email and your email will be forwarded to the appropriate person.


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